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Some Like It Hot and Gluten Free

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 I named this blog "Some Like It Hot and Gluten Free" for many reasons. One of which, is my absolute love for Marilyn Monroe and everything she stood for. Femininity and not being ashamed of who you are; standing up for yourself and not changing because that’s what someone wants you to do; believing in yourself and self-reliance; elegance, beauty, sensuality.

Two is my love for cooking which has really expanded since being diagnosed with celiac disease in 2012. I have always loved to cook for my family but since my diagnosis, I have a passion for turning any recipe someone has and making it gluten free and delicious.  I have a busy life with work and kids so I may not make the most extravagant meals but I do make some tasty ones! Besides recipes, I will be posting on gluten free products and restaurants reviews. I also watch for health and beauty products that contain ingredients that I can actually read! I am also one of those “no-poo” people that broke up with their shampoo and conditioner.  I can explain this in more detail later…it’s really not as gross as it may seem.

Three, I like things hot! Doesn’t everyone? I won’t go too much into detail on this. But, this does include hot weather! I am really from the wrong state for this, I know, but that makes traveling that much more enjoyable! I love to travel and if I had the money, I would do it all the time! I want to let my fellow gluten free travelers know where to go or not go for gluten free travel finds!

So why am I writing a blog? Frankly, I just want to. I don’t even care if anyone reads it. I enjoy writing and I enjoy cooking. I want to share that with people. And if I can help just one person’s gluten free life become just a little bit easier, hey, I can live with that!

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